Social Trading Platform
The Challenge​
Getting into trading can seem complicated and scary. Trading platforms offer a huge amount of information and options that require significant learning and experience to master. The lack of a supportive community to provide guidance and answer questions makes it hard to take your first steps.
My Vision
Provide a modular platform, which you can custom fit as you learn, linked tightly with an existing investors community for guidance and support.
Follow mentors to learn from the pros and to make a smoother transition into the world of trading.
User Journey
Secured sign in process, takes the user straight into the main dashboard, where he can see news, follow his watch-list stocks, currency etc.
The dashboard can be adjusted with different information blocks, and additional dashboards can be added.
The personal portfolio and mentors page are always one click away through the side menu.
System Map
The Design
A simple gray color scheme prevents unnecessary distractions, allows to emphasize important bits of information. Increases and decreases are shown in green and red as commonly accepted in the field.